Short Papers

Short papers provide the opportunity to describe new work or work that is still in progress that could benefit from discussion with members of the HCI community. They may include experiences of reflective practitioners, preliminary work, work in progress and first drafts of novel concepts and approaches. Short papers will follow the same review process as the long papers.

Important Dates

Submission Format

Anonymized 4-page paper (excluding references) that should use the OzCHI proceedings template. This template is in Word format, but initial submissions should be in PDF format. Final submissions should be in Word format.

Selection Process

All papers will undergo a double blind review process by an international panel and will be evaluated on the basis of their significance, originality, and clarity of writing.

At least one author of each paper must attend the conference to present their paper. Accepted papers will be available in the USB proceedings and included in the ACM Digital Library.

Short Paper Chairs

Sonja Pedell, Swinburne University of Technology
Arthur Lugmary, Curtin University

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