
Register for OzCHI 2016 via Eventbrite.

This will take you to Eventbrite where you can register and pay online using a credit card. All rates are in Australian dollars (AUD) and include GST and fees.

Workshops, Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium (1 day) are on Tuesday 29th November 2016. The Full Conference (3 days) begins Wednesady 30th November 2016 and ends Friday 2nd December 2016.

The conference program can be found here.

BEFORE YOU REGISTER please read the Registration Tips below to assist you with the registration process. There is also a Registration FAQ at the bottom of this page.

Registration Tips

Registration Type & Tax Receipt Information (A Business/An Individual)

This section in your Eventbrite registration relates to your tax invoice. A tax invoice will be supplied once you have completed your registration. If your University/Business/Organisation is funding your conference registration, please select ‘A Business’ and complete. If you are using your personal funds, please select ‘An Individual’ and complete.

Dinner Experience

More information about the Conference Dinner can be found here. If you have any other questions please contact the Conference Co-Chairs.

Registering for Workshops, Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium

When register at first time, you must register for Full Registration as a Member, Non-Member or Student/Concession or a One Day Registration first. You then select Workshops, Tutorials or Doctoral Consortium as an Additional Item via Eventbrite.

After Registration Screen - CHIFish 2016 Form

When you complete your registration you will be taken to CHIFish to complete your people profile for the conference. Please have a head-and-shoulders image of you ready to upload when you complete this form. CHIfish web app helps you find interesting papers and interesting people at the conference. We encourage you to please fill in the form so that CHIFish can populate the People section with information that will help others discover you at the conference. This is voluntary but we hope you will take part and don't mind filling in some of your details (again). More information on CHIFish.

Student Volunteers, Keynote Speakers and Sponsors

If you are an approved Student Volunteer, Keynote Speaker or Sponsor, please contact the Conference Co-Chairs before you register.

Full Registration

*Member of one of the following: ACM or CHISIG/HFESA.Full Registration includes 3 days conference (30th November, 1st and 2nd December), conference proceedings booklet & USB, catering (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea), welcome reception and conference dinner.

One Day Registration

*Member of one of the following: ACM or CHISIG/HFESA.One Day Registration includes one day conference (30th November or 1st December or 2nd December), conference proceedings booklet & USB and catering (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea).

Student Registration

Workshops and Tutorials

Workshops are held on Tuesday 29th November 2016 and are open to all conference attendees. You must register for Full Registration or at least one One Day Registration (30th November or 1st December or 2nd December) and select workshops as an Additional Item. Workshops include catering (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea). More information on Workshops.

  • Tutorials $150
  • Tutorials are held on Tuesday 29th November 2016 and are open to all conference attendees. You must register for Full Registration or at least one One Day Registration (30th November or 1st December or 2nd December) and select tutorials as an Additional Item.Tutorials include catering (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea). More information on Tutorials.

    Doctoral Consortium

    Doctoral Consortium are held on Tuesday 29th November 2016 and is only for invited attendees who have an accepted paper. There is no fee however you must register for Full Registration or at least one One Day Registration (30th November or 1st December or 2nd December) and select Doctoral Consortium as an Additional Item. The Doctoral Consortium includes catering (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea). More information on Doctoral Consortium.

    ADDITIONAL Welcome Reception & Conference Dinner Tickets

    NOTE: Your Welcome Reception and Conference dinner tickets are INCLUDED in Full Registration. Select only as an Additional Item with One Day Registration, Student 3 Days Registration, Student/Concession 1 Day Registration or volunteers wishing to attend. More Information on Reception & Conference Dinner.

    Please note that if you have already registered and wish to purchase an Conference Dinner Ticket you can do this via Eventbrite. Additional Conference Dinner Tickets must be purchased by Friday 25th November 11:30pm AEST.

    Registration FAQ

    Can I add a Workshop or a tutorial after I have completed by registration?

    Yes. As of the Friday 25th November 2016, you can register through the main screen of Eventbrite by selecting ADDITIONAL Workshop Registration or ADDITIONAL Tutorial Registration. Once you have entered the second screen and completed your details, do not select Additional Item Workshop or Tutorials (shown at the bottom of the second screen) again as this will duplicate your purchase.

    Can I register and pay for multiple attendees?

    Yes you can register up to 8 people per registration type under one buyer/credit card. Please make sure you have all the details of each attendee before you start the registration process. If you would like to register more then 8 people please make a seperate purchase.

    Can I book a hotel during the registration process like last year?

    This year you will need to book your accommodation via the hotel. Check out the OzCHI conference hotel rates and list of surrounding hotels here.

    Where can I find more information on attending OzCHI 2016?

    To find further information on the venue, accommodation, Australian visas and visitor information please click here or contact conference website co-chairs.

    Have another question about Registering?

    Please contact the OzCHI Conference Co-Chairs.