Special track in OzCHI 2016: Interactive Arts and Design

The OzCHI 2016 interactive arts and design program committee are looking for novel, thought-provoking, evocative, sensor-rich interactive art experiences that are created by a diverse and broad group of creative practitioners and/or researchers.


As part of OzCHI 2016, interactive arts and design is looking for a broad range of interactive design and artworks that contribute to interactive design and artworks related to conference them of connected and futures. The work can include but is not limited to site-specific installations, interactive artworks, online works and performances in the visual arts, electronic literature, music and video. Works that engage with public space and interdisciplinary projects are particularly encouraged.

Important Dates

Description and Work are due: 30 September 2016 EXTENDED: 20 October 2016
Notifications of review results will be sent on: 1 November 2016

Submission Guidelines


Proposed artworks can include many different forms including sound, vision, , as well as works that are not so easily categorized. The submission should include the following:

Please upload the file under the name of your project.


Submissions can be made here.

Selection Process

The selection process was based on the criteria listed below.

File Size

Please note that the maximum size of your submission should not exceed 20Mb.


One author of each accepted submission must register for the conference.

Special Track Chairs

Steve Loo, University of Tasmania
Yi Ji, GuangDong, University of Technology, China

Program Comittee

Ernest Edmonds, University of Technology, Sydney
Jennifer Seevinck, Queensland University of Technology

Note: all the spending relates to the works’ shipping, equipment and installation has to be paid by the authors themselves. OzCHI will not provide grant and funding to the participants. There will be an exhibition space, desk, power and Internet available for the interactive design and artworks at the conference.