Call for Papers
A4 publicity flyer for OzCHI 2012.
OzCHI 2012 (Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference)
Important Dates15th June Extended to Friday 22nd June 2012: Submission of Long Papers/Tutorial proposals/Workshop proposals31st August Extended to Monday 3rd September 2012: Submission of Short papers/Demos/Doctoral consortium applications and Industry Case Studies
OzCHI is Australia's leading forum for work in all areas of Computer-Human Interaction. It attracts an international community of practitioners, researchers, academics and students from a wide range of disciplines including user experience designers, information architects, software engineers, human factors experts, information systems analysts, social scientists and managers. The conference also welcomes perspectives from design, architecture, engineering, planning, social science and creative industries among other disciplines.
OzCHI is the annual conference of the Computer-Human Interaction.
Special Interest Group (CHISIG) of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA).
OZCHI is the annual conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA).
Conference Theme
The conference theme, “Innovation, Immersion, Integration, Inclusion and Interaction”. The theme reflects both the global nature of HCI and the diversity of cultures within which people incorporate interactive use of computers in their daily lives. It also reflect how HCI practitioners and researchers conduct their research and build their applications.Conference Topic
Human-Human-Computer interaction is changing rapidly with notable growth and advancing research in the areas of:- Accessibility
- User Interfaces in Mobile devices
- Social and collaboration technologies
- Mashups and end-user programming
- Embodied interaction and tangible computing
- Ubiquitous computing
- Visualisation, mixed reality and game technologies
- Intelligent User Interfaces
- Consideration of affective, emotional and motivational aspects
- Design and social research methods
- User Interaction Issues with the use of ICT in expanding cultural contexts and in all aspects of home, work, play and life
- eHealth and Welfare
- HCI education
- Benevolence, including HCI research in areas such as aid and development, human rights, community projects etc.
Wednesday 28th November to Friday 30th November will contain the main body of the conference.
The OzCHI committee invites original contributions on all topics related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) including practical, technical, methodological, empirical and theoretical aspects, and, where appropriate, address the conference theme of “Innovation, Immersion, Integration, Inclusion and Interaction”.All submissions must be written in English. Both long and short papers will undergo a double blind review process by an international panel and will be evaluated on the basis of their significance, originality, and clarity of writing. Accepted long papers and short papers will be available in the USB proceedings. At least one author of any accepted submission must register for publication in the proceedings.
All submissions must use the two column OzCHI proceedings template: OZCHI proceedings template.
OzCHI 2012 will use the EasyChair conference paper management system. Detailed instructions will be found on the conference website
OzCHI 2012 is being held “In cooperation” with the ACM and accepted long and short papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library.
Long Papers
Long papers, up to 10 pages, should present original research and mature work in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).- Submission deadline: June 15, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: August 27th, 2012
- Camera ready: October 15th, 2012
Tony Huang – CSIRO, ICT Centre,
Clinton Woodward – Swinburne University of Technology.
Email queries can be sent to: longpapers.chair[AT]
Short Papers
Short papers, 4 pages in length, provide the opportunity to describe new work or work that is still in progress that could benefit from discussion with members of the HCI community. They may include experiences of reflective practitioners, preliminary work, work in progress and first drafts of novel concepts and approaches. Short papers will follow the same review process as the long papers.- Submission deadline: September 3rd, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: September 28th, 2012
- Camera ready: October 15th, 2012
Raj Vasa, Swinburne University of Technology
Short Papers Chairs
Email queries can be sent to: shortpapers.chair[AT]
Posters offer the opportunity to demonstrate concept and work in progress as well as direct discussions with the presenter. All the conference posters will be presented near the ATC auditorium, where the three keynotes, meal breaks and other parallel sessions will take place.The organisation of the poster contents is free and depends on your creativity. You can find some suggestions for poster designs in Research Posters 101
Please submit your poster designs for selection to posters.chair[AT]
Closing Date: Monday 1st October
Flash Talks - Innovations, Inventions and Ideas
This year we are offering a new session of 7 minute flash talks. The Innovations, Inventions and Ideas session is for practitioners, researchers and educators in Industry and Academia to present their brilliant ideas and experiences of Innovation, Immersion, Integration, Inclusion and Interaction. This can include such things as an invention or concept you are working on or a way that you have presented a topic to a class.To be part of this session you will need to submit a proposal that is no more than one page ONLY in the format below (see template).
Proposals close Monday October 1st.
Benefit: (To whom and how)
Future Work (optional):
This link will take you to an example of how to do flash talks
Please ensure that any tables or diagrams are labeled. Submissions larger than one page will NOT be considered.
The proposal template is here.
Proposals are to be uploaded in pdf to easychair under the Inventions and Ideas track.
The proposal will be included in the programme and on the OzCHI usb but will NOT be included in the ACM publications.
Further enquiries can be sent to flashtalks.chair[AT]
Proposals close Monday October 1st.
Industry Track
Industry submissions are invited for the following categories:- Case Studies. Submissions should focus on the HCI aspects of the case study and, where appropriate, address the conference theme of "Innovation, Immersion, Integration, Inclusion and Interaction" (described above). Case studies are an important part of the industry track because they provide real-world insights and understanding.
- Proposals for industry panels. Proposals are invited on panel topics that would be of interest to the industry attendees. The proposer should suggest possible composition of the panel and should outline the brief to which the panel members would be asked to speak.
- Proposals for a Debate. A debate format is a lively way to present a topic in a different and more controversial manner. Session format will be between 4 – 6 speakers (split between a positive and negative view) plus one adjudicator.
Kon Mouzakis, Swinburne University of Technology
Florian Nachreiner- Medibank Private
Industry and Sponsorship chairs.
Email queries can be sent to:
Workshops and Tutorials
Workshops and Tutorials will be held at Swinburne on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th November, 2012.Workshops: Proposals are invited for full-day and half-day workshops that address areas of interest to the OzCHI community. Proposals should be a maximum of 4 pages and should include:
- Outline of the topic of the workshop
- A proposed agenda for the workshop
- A brief bio of the convenors
- Whether the workshop will be open to late-registering participants or restricted to participants whose position paper has been accepted by the workshop convenors
- A call for submission of workshop position papers (if required)
- A list of any requirements for running the workshop, such as access to computer labs, data projectors, group work-tables.
With the agreement of the participants, the convenors may request that the position papers be included on the conference memory stick, though they will not be included in the ACM Digital Library. Convenors may make their own arrangements for separate publication of the workshop papers.
In order to give overseas convenors and participants sufficient lead time to take part, submitted proposals will be assessed in two rounds:
Due Date | Notification Date | |
First round proposals | 30 March 2012 | 16 April 2012 |
Second round proposals | 15 June 2012 | 2 July 2012 |
Attendee position papers for inclusion on memory stick | 12 October 2012 |
Proposals are invited for full-day and half-day tutorials that address areas of interest to the OzCHI community. Proposals should be a maximum of 2 pages and should include:- Outline of the topic of the tutorial
- A proposed agenda for the tutorial
- A brief bio of the tutors
- A list of any requirements for running the tutorial, such as access to computer labs, data projectors, group work-tables.
The due date for tutorial proposals is 15 June 2012, with notifications of acceptance sent on 2 July 2012.
Tutors will be offered half of the gross registrations for their tutorial.
Workshop and Tutorial Chairs:
Dana McKay, Swinburne University of Technology
Karola VonBaggo, Swinburne University of Technology
Duncan Stevenson, Australian National University
Proposals, and any queries, should be sent by email to:
Doctoral Consortium
The Doctoral Consortium is to be held prior to the main conference program on Nov. 27th, 2012. The Doctoral Consortium offers PhD students a special forum where they can present, discuss and progress their research plans with peers and established senior researchers. PhD candidates wishing to attend the consortium should submit a 2 page research paper following the OzCHI local template and submit it via email to dc.chair[AT] Positions at the consortium will be offered based on a review of the submitted papers.Submission deadline: August 31st, 2012
Toni Robertson, University of Technology, Sydney
Margot Brereton, Queensland University of Technology
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Student Challenge
The OzCHI conference will be preceded by a student design challenge, where teams from around the world will have a 24 hour time period to develop a solution to a given HCI research problem. The top entries will receive travel scholarships for attending OzCHI and will be invited to present their work at the conference.Martin Tomitsch, University of Sydney
Andrew Cain, Swinburne University of Technology
Enquiries and student entries should be sent by email to:
Student Volunteers
OzCHI actively encourages students to volunteer at the conference. Being a student volunteer is a great way to support the HCI community, meet other students in the field, and attend the premier HCI conference Australia. You will help the conference organisers with the running of theconference and support the setting-up of presentations and workshops.
You will see the latest in HCI, and have fun while learning about running the conference. In return, you will get free registration.
To apply, email sv.chair[AT] with your contact details (email, phone number and university), an abstract of your research project, a resume, and the reasons why you would like to be a student volunteer. Applications close on August 24th, 2012.
Student Volunteer Chairs
Susan Hansen, UTS & Rhodes University
Ruchi Saraf, Swinburne University of Technology
Olga Gologshchapova, Swinburne University of Technolgy
Shannon Pace, Swinburne University of Technology
Email enquiries to: sv.chair[AT]
Keynote speakers will be announced shortly on the conference website.We look forward to your involvement at this year's OzCHI conference.
Viv Farrell, Faculty of ICT, Swinburne University of Technology: Conference Chair
Graham Farrell, Faculty of ICT, Swinburne University of Technology: Academic Co-Chair
Please direct any enquiries to Viv Farrell by email: