Papers and Late-Breaking Work
OzCHI 2025 invites original contributions on all topics related to human-computer interaction (HCI), interaction design, and interactive technologies. We welcome submissions from design, engineering, social science, creative industries and other related disciplines. In this Call For Papers we invite Long Papers as well as Late-Breaking Work submissions. The paper contributions should address current practices, discuss theoretical approaches, or present novel research through relevant case studies, design processes, and community and industry examples. Submissions to both categories will be double anonymous, peer-reviewed, and published in the conference proceedings.
Long Papers
Long Papers should present original research and mature work in HCI and interaction design. These papers may describe investigations of user needs or contexts of use, lab-based evaluations or field deployments of prototypes, or other design-led or empirical investigations examining the relationship between people and technology.
Authors are encouraged to submit a paper of length proportional to its contribution. The average length of OzCHI papers is approximately 7,000–8,000 words, excluding references, figure/table captions, and appendices. Submissions of 12,000 words or more will be considered excessively long and could be desk rejected. Accepted long papers will be presented in person at the conference and included in the ACM Digital Library's conference proceedings. At least one author must register with OzCHI and present the paper in person. Remote and pre-recorded presentations will not be offered as part of OzCHI 2025.
Late-Breaking Work
Late-breaking work (LBW) submissions present emerging ideas that would benefit from discussion with members of the HCI community. These submissions may include initial findings from new research, experiences of reflective practitioners, and first drafts of novel concepts and approaches.
Contributions should be up to 5,000 words in the single-column ACM format and anonymised for peer review. Accepted LBW will be presented as a poster during the conference and included in the conference proceedings at the ACM Digital Library. At least one author must register with OzCHI and present the poster in person.
Important Dates
- 2 June 2025: Long Paper Submission deadline
- 23 July 2025: Long Paper Notification of acceptance
- 4 August 2025: LBW Submission deadline
- 23 September 2025: LBW Notification of acceptance
Dates are given in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. The deadline for submission is 11:59 PM AoE on the specified date. You can check the current AoE time here.
Preparing and Submitting Your Paper
Step 1: Download the ACM Master Template
- LaTeX users download the template here or use the Overleaf template.
- Word users download the template here.
- Please ensure that you use the correct template. The single-column format must be used for the reviewing phase. Using different templates or formats may result in desk rejection.
Step 2: Write your paper
- Clearly explain the research question addressed, research methods and tasks, findings or results, and contributions of the work. Papers should also provide sufficient background and related work to situate and contextualise the work of the author(s) work within a greater body of research;
- Your paper should consist of original work not previously published or concurrently under consideration for any other conference, workshop, journal, or other publication with an ISBN, ISSN, or DOI number;
- Authors should ensure their work and writing are as inclusive as possible; where this is not possible, they should be acknowledged. For example, authors should use gender-inclusive language when developing their papers (see the HCI Guidelines for Gender Equity and Inclusivity) and consider what communities their work supports—and does not—as well as their geographical context;
- Be anonymised for peer review. Authors must remove author and institutional identities throughout the paper, including from the title and header. Your submission should avoid obvious identifying statements. Citations to your own relevant work should not be anonymous (e.g., say “Prior work by [authors]” instead of “In our prior work”);
- Authors should acknowledge the use of generative AI in the creation of their content, including specifying the AI tools used and the extent of their contribution to the research, writing, or design process.
Step 3: Complete submission
- Make your submission via the Precision Conference system;
- Authors must submit the pdf of their paper before the submission deadline. No extensions will be granted. Any submissions showing ‘incomplete’ after the deadline will be deleted.
Selection Process
An international panel will double-anonymously review Long Papers and LBW. Based on the full text of the submission, the panel will evaluate them for significance, originality, and clarity of writing.
Long Papers should:
- Have clear significance in terms of contribution to HCI;
- Offer a high level of technical quality in terms of related work, data, methods and analysis;
- Demonstrate clarity of writing at a level ready for publication in the ACM digital library.
LBW submissions should:
- Address a question of significance to the OzCHI community and stimulate interesting, novel conversations around the issue;
- Demonstrate sufficient technical quality in the framing of the problem, related work or methods;
- Demonstrate clarity of writing at a level ready for publication in the ACM digital library.
Awards are presented to the highest quality papers and reviews.
- Gitte Lindgaard Award (Best Paper)
- Steve Howard Award (Best Student Paper)
- Best Reviewer Award (for the top 3 reviewers, based on quality and quantity of reviews)
Long Paper Chairs
Nadia Pantidi (Victoria University of Wellington)
Thuong Hoang (Deakin University)
Marius Hoggenmueller (The University of Sydney)
Late-Breaking Work Chairs
Glenda Caldwell (Queensland University of Technology)
Benjamin Tag (The University of New South Wales)
Josh Andres (The Australian National University)