Call for Submission

Click here to download the OzCHI 2013 flyer.

We invite you to submit your research work to the 25th Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Group (OzCHI 2013) to be held 25-29 November 2013 in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

OzCHI is the annual conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA). It is Australia's leading forum for work in all areas of Computer-Human Interaction. It attracts an international community of practitioners, researchers, academics and students from a wide range of disciplines including user experience designers, information architects, software engineers, human factors experts, information systems analysts, social scientists and managers. The conference also welcomes perspectives from design, architecture, engineering, planning, social science and creative industries among other disciplines.

Venue Purpose and Page Limit Template and Submission Deadline Notification Date Contact
Long Papers Original research and mature work, up to 10 pages - Word template
- Latex template
- Submit to EasyChair
24 June, 2013
30 June, 2013
26 August 2013
30 August, 2013
longpapers.chair [AT]
Short Papers New work, preliminary work, or work in progress, up to 4 pages - Word template
- Latex template
- Submit to EasyChair
2 September, 2013
8 September, 2013
27 September 2013
4 October, 2013
shortpapers.chair [AT]
Interactive Posters Report on late-breaking and preliminary results - Find some suggestions for poster designs in Research Posters 101
- Submit to EasyChair
30 September 2013
20 October, 2013
21 October 2013
30 October, 2013
Submit to EasyChair
Flash Talks Brilliant innovations, inventions, ideas or experiences, no more than 1 page - Word template
- An example
- Submit to EasyChair

30 September 2013
20 October, 2013
21 October 2013
30 October, 2013
Submit to EasyChair
Industry Track Case studies, proposals for industry panels, or proposals for a debate, up to 500 words - Email to sponsorships.chair [AT]
30 September, 2013 21 October, 2013 sponsorships.chair [AT]
Workshops Full-day and half-day workshops on focused topics, up to 4 pages - Topic outline
- Agenda
- Brief bio of the convenors
- Call for position papers
- List of requirements
- Email to workshops.chair [AT]
24 June, 2013
30 June, 2013
8 July, 2013 workshops.chair [AT]
Tutorials Full-day and half-day tutorials on focused topics, up to 2 pages - Topic outline
- Agenda
- Brief bio of the tutors
- List of requirements
- Email to tutorials.chair [AT]
24 June, 2013
30 June, 2013
8 July, 2013 tutorials.chair [AT]
Doctorial Consortium PhD students present, discuss and progress their research plans with peers and established senior researchers, up to 2 pages - Word template
- Email to dc.chair [AT]
13 September, 2013 4 October, 2013 dc.chair [AT]
Student Design Challenge Participating teams will have a 24-hour time period to develop a solution to a given HCI research problem - Email to sdc [AT]
21-22 September, 2013 (24-hour challenge) 8 October, 2013 (finalists announced) sdc [AT]

The conference theme is “Augmentation, Application, Innovation, Collaboration”, which reflects a variety of technical and social challenges in designing and deploying human-centred computer applications through augmenting our daily lives with innovative interaction and collaboration technologies. We are interested both in research on the conference theme and contributions on all topics related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) including practical, technical, methodological, empirical and theoretical aspects, including (but are not limited to) the following:
  • Usability, accessibility, and user experience
  • Social and collaboration technologies
  • User interface and interaction design
  • Interaction techniques and devices
  • Interaction using specific devices, capabilities, or modalities
  • Mashups and end-user programming
  • Ubiquitous computing
  • HCI for cloud computing
  • Visualisation, mixed reality and wearable computing
  • Intelligent user interfaces
  • Consideration of affective, emotional and motivational aspects
  • Design and social research methods
  • User interaction issues with the use of ICT in expanding cultural contexts and in all aspects of home, work, play and life
  • Digital arts
  • HCI in games and entertainment
  • HCI in health and welfare
  • HCI in education
  • HCI in Benevolence, including research in areas such as aid and development, human rights, community projects etc.

All submissions must be written in English. Both long and short papers will undergo a double blind review process by an international panel and will be evaluated on the basis of their significance, originality, and clarity of writing. Accepted long papers and short papers will be available in the USB proceedings and included in the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of any accepted submission must register for publication in the proceedings. Selected papers may be considered for extension and further publication in a journal special issue.