Call for workshop proposals

Call for workshop proposals

OzCHI workshops aim to bring together researchers in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to discuss and interact on specific topics of interest. Organisers of accepted workshops will be required to solicit position papers and accept responsibility for conducting the workshop.

Submissions should include:

  • A 150 word abstract which, if your proposal is successful, will be used to advertise your workshop on the OZCHI website. This abstract should include a workshop topic and invitation to join in.
  • A motivation and justification for the workshop, citing any relevant literature.
  • A description of the participants you would expect for your workshop: what should they hope to get out of your workshop; are they drawn from industry, academia or both?
  • Brief (150 word maximum) bios of the workshop organisers.
  • A proposed schedule for the workshop, including potential room/layout requirements, should be presented as an appendix.
  • Review Process

    Workshop proposals will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers. They will be included in the OZCHI proceedings in the ACM digital library. There is no scope to include the submissions to your workshop in the proceedings, however you are welcome and encouraged to publish them yourself.

    Workshops will be held on Tuesday 28 November, and at least one workshop organizer is required to attend on that day to facilitate each workshop.

    Important Dates

    • 23 Jun: Workshop propsal submissions
    • 07 Jul: Workshop propsal notifications

    Submission Format

    Submissions to the workshops program need to be formatted in the SIGCHI proceedings template. This template is in Word format, but initial submissions should be in PDF format. With the final submission authors will be required to upload both the Word and PDF files.

    LaTeX users: there is no template for LaTeX. LaTeX users are responsible for formatting their PDF document following the OzCHI Word template. Unfortunately we are unable to provide support for this.


    Submissions can be emailed to the workshops co-chairs .

    Workshops Chairs

    Dana McKay, University of Melbourne

    Laurianne Sitbon, Queensland University of Technology

    Email queries can be sent to